Friday, October 21, 2011

This Week In Science #3 .

     This week in science we did and learned many things . Some of the things we did was we looked at our plants and we recorded how much they grew since the day we had planted them . I had to draw pictures and record their measurements . We also wrote our testable question and our hypothesis. During our data recording we discovered something that proved my hypothesis to be false . I realized that even if you planted the seeds of the brassica rapa deep in the bottom of the cup it would still grow . This week we also wrote procedures of how to make peanut butter and jelly sandwiches so we could we ready to write our procedures of how to collect data for our plant investigation . The last thing we did in this week was that we went around the room and surveyed people on their favorite basketball team and created a circle chart with the data , the chart didn't come out as planed though .

    This week we also learned many things . One of the things we learned was our driving question and what we needed to know , like the " if ... then ... because " format . During our data collecting we also learned that if you plant brassica rapa seeds at the bottom of a cup it will still grow at almost at the same speed of the seeds planted in the middle and top , that was very interesting . We also learned how to make good procedures for our plant data collection and how detailed we had to be . During the time when we surveyed the class about their favorite basketball team we also learned many things . Some of the things we learned was that we should have only have a few teams instead of giving people the option to chose any team because it was really difficult for us to graph all the data collected . We did and learned a lot this week , and what we learned will help us in the future because we realized many things that where small but effected what we did big time .

Friday, October 14, 2011

This Week In Science #2

This week in science we did many things . We did many things relating to our second plant investigation. First we did an observation on poppers and how the the way the looked effected how high they went when we popped them . Then we did research on the plant called Brassica Rapa . We also did a lot of things relating to independent and dependent variables . We created questions about the Brassica Rapa and we created an experimental set up for the plant investigation . Lastly , after creating the setup we planted our Brassica Rapas and that's what we did this week in science.

            We learned many things this week in science . We learned how variables effected the results of an observation . Also we learned a lot about the Brassica Rapa . We learned that the Brassica Rapa is a fast growing plant used for many things , such as food . We also learned how things like the amount of water to give to a plant , the amount of soil , the number of seeds , how much sunlight and how deep you plant the seed can effect the growth of a plant . Things that can be changed in an investigation are called independent variables , and that what is effected by the independent variable , such as how tall the plant grows or how fast it grows is called the dependent variable .

This Is A Picture Of A Brassica Rapa .
This Picture Shows What We Did The Week .