Friday, December 2, 2011

This week in science # 5

       This week in science was really interesting and fun. We did many things, from launching rockets to studying crickets! First we had to finish our Rocket investigation which consisted on building rockets using straws as the bodies, index cards for the fins and molding clay for the nose of the rockets. It was really fun because after we did that we got to launch the rockets across the hall. Also we observed animal behavior videos on youtube, some of them were really funny. After we saw the videos we started to observe crickets and even tho they were nasty it was interesting to observe them.

      I learned a lot this week both from the rocket investigation and from the crickets. One of the things I learned from the rocket investigation was that wings and weight of the nose ( tip ) of the rocket really effected how far it went and that was really interesting because during our research all the articles we read said that wings didn't effect the distance but the stability of the rocket. Also while observing crickets we saw many things. One thing that was interesting was that our crickets weren't chirping and a lot of our class mate's crickets were. I wonder why our crickets didn't chirp? Also there were a lot of dead crickets in our container with the crickets, I wonder what happened to them? This week in science we did and learned a lot, but I still have a lot of questions about some things.